Folks which aren't fervently familiar with the park beneath the Marcelo B. Fernan Bridge would probably end up wondering about the whereabouts of the people prior to the park.
To start off, the park is actually called Millennium Park wherein a whole lot of things do happen and still would be happening for the years to come. There's more to it than meets the eye. Its being a major major multi-purpose park even went beyond its definition.
Allow me to state the different things that people, young and old alike, do in this remarkable park.
I'll give you the most basic situations that do happen first. Even before early dawn, people inclined to physical activities would most likely be seen doing their exercises at the park or even at the both sides at the bridge. That happens like every single day. There goes also the Taibo, an entire body workout or an aerobic exercise routine.
Another common routine is the family hang-out routine. A lot of families do spend some quality time together in the park. Dear reader, having seen them makes my heart flutter in extreme joy and would often leave me downright ecstatic. Seeing their happy faces and hearing the melody of their giggles and laughs somehow completes my day. To divert a little, my family do also spend some time in this park. Back when my Dad was still with this. Heaven knows how badly I miss him. Anyhow, those were the good old days that I exceedingly missed.
As the time of the day continues, usually the minutes before twilight, there goes some of the youths and kids doing their own thing. The kids usually doing their norms like playing games which they could think of and the youths, usually the students, would do their practice with regards to school matters like dance presentations, speech choirs, and role plays.
More often than not, the park becomes even more livelier when the members of the Drum and Bugle Corps (DBC) would do their practice. Some people would even dance to the beat of the drums and other instruments.
By the time it's sunset and the night creeps in, somehow it would be inevitable to see pairs of lovers spending also some quality time with each other. Believe me, it's like everyday is Valentine's Day.
The amusing thing about having these pairs of lovers is that they seem to be the target of some kids who do jingle songs just to have a parcel of food to eat. These unfortunate little ones somehow have found their last resort through these lovers. That's probably a good thing though, I dare say.
These are not only the things that would happen but for the best side, events that help the citizens also do happen. Events like free dental check-up, operation tuli, games for summer league, coastal clean-up and other activities are also on the list.
For the years to come, we do hope that the Millennium Park would still be of service to the people and would even go farther with its title as the multi-purpose park.